
You are now @ Day #29 with your Module #06


 Dialogue Building Review Exercises for Adventurous Adults: Module #06
Each review (excluding the Interactive Video) should take between 60 and 90 seconds. All over and done with in less than 10 minutes

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#01. Matching Audio Question/ Audio Answer Memory Game.

音声質問と音声回答の一致記憶ゲーム: 視覚的なヒントがないこの記憶ゲームでは、よく音声を聞いてください。
(このゲームは 短期記憶や作業記憶のトレーニングになります。) よく聞いてください。

 Listen carefully in this Memory Game containing no Visual prompts. (Good exercise for
training Short-term Memory and/or Working Memory). You’ll need to listen very carefully here

#02. Correct or Incorrect?


Check the grammar of these sentences and mark them as CORRECT or INCORRECT. When you have the correct answer, look away from the screen and SAY it out LOUD

#03. Jumbled Words Drag 'n Drop

ごちゃ混ぜの単語ドラッグ&ドロップ。私が嫌いだったように、皆さんもこの手の演習が嫌いでしょうか…私がそうだったように…皆さんも好きになるでしょう。コツは、ドラッグを始める前に文章を頭に入れ込むことです。 文章が正しかったら、それを声に出して言い、お祝いしてください。やった!!!

I wonder if you hate this kind of exercise as much as I used to… LEARN to love it…as I did.  The trick is to get the sentence in your head before you start dragging.  When you have y the sentence  correct, say it ALOUD to celebrate. YaY!!!! 

#04. Listen & Write aka Dictation


Listen Carefully and Write the Sentences you Hear.

#05. Read the Sentences Aloud and Check


Speaking slowly and with clear enunciation, say the words you can see.

#06. Still More Remembering & Shadowing


Using your powers of Creative Visualization, first try to recall all four questions and their answers by gazing intently at the following picture. 

holomeme for hobby
If you find yourself unable to recall the Qs &As the Shadowing Exercise below will jog your memory ** ONLY good on Chrome!!!

The Memory Images in the videos below will assist you in RE-MEMBERING the dialogues. Create your own little movie in your head using your Creative Imagination. Join our YouTube Channel for some ideas….

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Adventurous Adults