

mystery expensive perfume

Day#04:>@The Mystery of the Expensive Perfume

Who are these people?  Where are they? What are they doing? What is their relationship? What does the man smell? How does it smell? Where did the woman get this thing from? And the big question. Who or what is Charlie? After you listen to the short dialogue, complete today’s mission. Here is your to do list:
4.1 Do the LAU aka Listen And Understand
4.2 Do the QAAME aka Question And Answer Matching Exercise
4.3 Do a RARARA aka Read and Recite And Record Accurately.
4.4 CHECK the accuracy of your pronunciation.
4.5 Do a MADAD aka Memorize A Dialogue A Day
4.6 THINK ABOUT who gave Charlie to the woman.

Activities #4.1 & 4.2

@LAU aka Listen And Understand & @QAAME aka Question & answer Matching Exercise

聞いて理解してみよう /////  質問と適切な答えを組み合わせるトレーニングをしましょう

Activities #4.3 & 4.4

@RARARA aka Read And Recite And Record Accurately & @Check TAOP aka Check The Accuracy Of (your) Pronunciation)

本文を読んで復唱し、その音声を正確に録音しましょう/// 自分の発音の正確さをチェックしてみましょう

Activity #4.5

 本日の会話文を(発音やイントネーションも含めて)暗記しましょう —! Charlieを女性に渡したのは誰でしょう?考えてみましょう