

Day #7
7日目 @DONDAT別名「何もしない日」


stare in mirror

Activity #7 @CCCQ aka Christmas Customs / Culture Quiz

At the time of writing, 2021/12/31 New Year is upon us so wherever and whenever you are  I wish you all a Happy New Year. Some countries celebrate  the New Year all year round… and so I thought, I will and you will, too. 

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こちらの記事執筆時点の日付は2021年12月31日で、まもなく 新年を迎えようとしています。というわけで、新年おめでとうございます!この記事をご覧のあなたにとっては少し遅すぎる挨拶かもしれませんね。しかし、国によっては、一年中新年を祝う国もあるようです。そう考えると、私もあなたも、今ここで新年を祝っても何も問題ないでしょう。

Happy New Year
Whatever time of the year it is!


But Christmas has come  and gone.  (….And what a rage it was!  NEW social distancing mandates, NEW even more contradictory close contact recommendations – or were they just suggestions? –   NEW  Orwellian pronouncements – with traditional family get-togethers now divided into those jabbed and those not, those with the booster and those not….those thinking that the govt is acting in their best interests and those not…. the  people who are tall and the people who are short… the F..A..T and the thin! )

 Oh Well!

But it’ll be back. so next time be ready. Have all or most of the important questions covered. 

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Day 7 of 7: Completed and Confirmed! Congratulations!
We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies....

 “We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.

– Paulo Coelho.

 「私たちは宇宙の旅、星屑、乱気流の渦と渦潮の中で踊る旅人です。人生は永遠です。私たちは一瞬、出会い、出会い、愛し、分かち合うために立ち止まりました。これは貴重なことです。 瞬間。それは永遠の小さな括弧です。」


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what some students aren't saying.........

"Nothing short of remarkable"
portrait Murasaki Shikibu
紫 式部 (Murasaki Shikibu)
"Nothing short of tremendous"
Basho by Hokusai Japan
松尾 芭蕉 (Matsuo Bashō)
"Nothing short of fantastic"
Abe Kobe
安部 公房 (Kōbō Abe)
Benefit of memoryimprovement