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Day #083@LETSU aka Learn English Thru Stand-Up @WKT aka Women Know Things

How much do you remember from your last day of rest with Fred Klett?
Dive straight into the exercises to see just how much.
Once that is done to your satisfaction,  go ahead and do a little mindbending practice on some key sentences.
Doing the TAJIGE aka
Translating Appalling* Japanese Into Good English


 #FemaleIntuition #FredKlett #ObservationalComedy  #Women#LearnEnglishThruStand-Up

Fred Klett Thumbnail

Need English transcript and rough JapaneseTranslation? Click here.
日本語版? ここをクリック

Part #1

Read the Bad Japanese. Mentally translate into the original ie good English. Speak into the microphone to check pronunciation. Repeat as necessary.

Part #2

Read the Bad Japanese. Mentally translate into the original ie good English. Speak into the microphone to check pronunciation. Repeat as necessary.

Part #3

Read the Bad Japanese. Mentally translate into the original ie good English. Check that you are correct then forego the recording and simply subvocalize WITHOUT READING. Repeat as necessary.

@TAT aka
Transcript And Translation

Yes,  the transcript has been provided by GoogleTranslate. And BOY oh BOY is it weird!  You get the gist though!

——- excerpt starts here ——-

I got married. I no longer need the Discovery Channel. I guess what I’m trying to say to you is that marriage can be good because you learn things that you never knew when you were single.

Marriage can be good because you learn things that you never knew when you were single. And you know what? You see examples of that around us all the time. I’m in a cafeteria behind an elderly couple. Husband reaching for whole milk, reaching for whole milk. Listen, carefully reaching for a wholemilk. Man reaches. His wife states, “You do not drink whole milk.”” He not stop. He not turn to reply. Just veered off and went straight to the skim milk. Now, I watched this and I thought how lucky that man was to have found that woman. How many years did he drink the wrong milk?

You learn things when you get married that you never knew when you were single. For instance, now that I’m married, I realize that I never would have survived had I stayed single. If I hadn’t gotten married when I did, I probably would have been dead in a matter of months. I mean that when I was single, I was wild, I lived on the edge. You would not believe some of the things I used to do. For instance when I was single, I used to wear my shoes in the house. I’m not making that up. I really did. I did not know carpets are supposed to live thousands of years.

You learn things when you get married. You never knew when you were single. For instance, now that I’m married, I know that I breathe. …WAY TOO LOUD!. My wife not me I breathe to love, she told me the exact distance from which people can hear me. A mile. Yeah, I know it. Her knowledge is incredible.


You learn things when you get married that you never knew when you were single. For instance, now that I’m married, I know when it’s time to leave a party. Yes. Yeah. I never used to know. When I was single I would do really stupid things like stand till I quit having fun. I never realized I should’ve left hours ago simply because it was time. How come you’re leaving the party man? It’s time pal and you should get married. So you’d know too. She sometimes -sometimes when people start applauding other people are like -No, we don’t want to move our arms-



You learn things when you get married you never knew when you were single. For instance, now that I’m married, I realized that I never knew how to get dressed. Do you ever get dressed up to go out with your wife? You come out of the bedroom and she just looks at you and says, “No ooo, well you go back now… I will help you. If it’s a British husband “WHAT?” You’re married long enough. She didn’t have to say anything. You come out of that bedroom. You see a certain look, you just do a little U turn.



You learn things when you get married you never knew when you were single. You see it around us all the time. Today. In the hotel I’m staying at. Very nice hotel. Walking down the hallway behind what had to be a husband and wife. He said, “I’m hungry.” She said, -No, you’re not.-He walked by me, looked up at me as if to say -Yes, I’m not hungry.- -I sure thought I was hungry. Sometimes I get a pain in my stomach like I’m hungry Good thing I married her.I could be eating right now and I’m not even hungry. Well, I Hope I Die first. Alright, I’m gonna leave this one with you. The reason I saved this one for last is one of my favorites. Also one of the more recent ones.

You learn things when you get married you never knew when you were single. I told my wife I wanted some shirts to perform in. This is one of the shirts that she got. And I just said, I just told Nancy -I don’t want to wear a pink shirt.- She said it’s not pink, it’s hibiscus. Oh! Ahhh! You know what? I think I missed school the day they covered that color. I don’t ever remember asking another kid.-Hey, pass me that hibiscus crayon.- And then all my brothers saw me in his shirt and they’re all making fun of me. Hey, you’re wearing a pink shirt. Except now I’m armed with new knowledge. It’s not pink, it’s hibiscus. And then all my brothers went, -Ohhh!- And one by one as they got married, they got hibiscus shirts. But this is a beautiful part. This is where I know you’re with me on this. After a show, I had a couple come up to me. The wife wanted her picture with me and my hibiscus shirt. She started to take her shawl off as a joke. I said, -Why don’t I wear your shawl?- Her husband immediately said -No, the shawl is salmon. That would clash with the hibiscus.-








あなたは結婚するときに物事を学びます。あなたが独身だったとき、あなたは決して知りませんでした。たとえば、結婚した今、私は呼吸していることを知っています。 … WAY TOO LOUD!。私の妻は私が愛するために呼吸しているのではなく、人々が私を聞くことができる正確な距離を教えてくれました。マイル。ええ、私はそれを知っています。彼女の知識は信じられないほどです。







