Day #109
How to Become an Interpreter

And how to translate into 7  languages

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Day #109@EXCOM aka Exercise Combination**

1) Watch the clip and mentally answer the embedded vocabulary and comprehension questions at the end; then do
2) complete a quiz;
3) then do a quick proofreading activity aka (QPA**); finally,
4) practice asking and answering some questions; then as a bonus check out “How to Become a Translator” (A serious look!)

To become a successful interpreter requires a very special mindset and a wide range of advanced linguistic and interpersonal skills.

Our interpreter in this short skit possesses but one: the ability to feel the target language.

Some find the sketch offensive, believing it makes fun of people from different linguistic backgrounds. What do you think ?

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Activity1 @WTVAATQ aka
Watch The Video And Answer The Questions

Activity2@QCOMB aka

A mix of questions testing your 1) Recall; 2) General Knowledge; and 3)  Understanding of text Ciick below.  If link does not work, click here

Activity#3@QPP aka
Quick Proofreading Practice.

It is advisable to carry out continuous quick checks for silly errors in your translation that are easily avoidable  Here is a short and easy simulation..

Activity#4@RATPAQ aka
Read Answers Then Practise Asking Questions

Practise Asking Questions and checking your pronunciation. Answer your questions sub-vocally

Answer the questions in the audio below. Mentally, subvocally or out loud. 

Have you ever tried wasabi? 

When was it?  

How was the experience? 

Do you remember? 

What did you think of it? 

How did it make you you feel? 

(AI generated)

Courtesy of GoogleTranslate

Oh no!. Jesus!….
You alright?
No, I’m having a bit of a nightmare, actually.
What’s the matter?
Well, I’ve got all the ancestral CEOs from around the world in this room.
In 10 minutes,
the annual summit’s supposed to take place. They’ve flown thousands of miles to get here,
and my translator hasn’t turned up.
[Canned laughter]
I need to find someone who can translate into seven different languages.
Well, I can do that.
Yeah, I did a TEFL in my gap year.
Welcome back to London. Ladies and gentlemen. This is Helen Marsh.
She’ll be our interpreter today. So, without further ado,
let’s address section 1.1. Multinational profiteering
for the financial year 2005-6.
2005-6会計年度。 Helen.
ヘレン。 [silence]
[沈黙] @#$%&!…Expletive … @#$%&! …vulgarity…@#$%&!…obscenity @#$%&!…罵倒… @#$%&! …下品…@#$%&!…猥褻 girder girdy hurdygurdy
ハーディ・ガーディ UM BAHM….. Ohm (OM…….), bud bud budbudbud UM BAHM …..オーム(OM …….)、つぼみつぼみつぼみ
Nayyyyyyyyyyy Hon NO nayyyyyyyyyy meechee eH le noomaaan noweh….。 Eh!lair no man no way….. Nayyyyyyyyyyy Hon NO nayyyyyyyyyy na ana
ミーチーズえっ! 隠れ家ノーマンノーウェイ Eh NO Zza Gia nayyyyyyyyyy na ana meechee Eh NO Zza Gia nayyyyyyyyyy na anameechee knee or rrrrrr 膝またはrrrrrr Chikko Wah Yah Morrr….Nee awwww ow aaayuuuuuuuuu
チコワウヤモアモアムーア ….
Nee awwww ow aaayuuuuuuuuu woonga woonga woongo…
woongawoonga wunga woonga
This is not my sandwich.
これは私のサンドイッチではありません。 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Bonus Activity

FYI. A short look at the serious side of how to become a translator. Click image below for Kawashima san’s more serious talk on tthe subject. There is a tongue-in-cheek interactive quiz at the end.