
Some ready-to-go activities for you to ACTION……anytime  anywhere anyhow ……Essentials to help you reach your English peak……..

Day#14@ with Module#03


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 Dialogue Building Review Exercises for Adventurous Adults: Module #03 
Each review (excluding the Interactive Video) should take between 60 and 90 seconds. All over and done with in less than 10 minutes

#01. Text and Image Matching


You’ll need to listen very carefully here to correctly match the Questions & Answers since only AUDIO is your hint.

#02. Correct or Incorrect


Check the grammar of these sentences and mark them as CORRECT or INCORRECT.


#03. Matching Audios and Visuals


An exercise in which you match AUDIO questions and answers with VISUAL cues.

#04. Listen & Write & Speak!!!


AKA Dictation & Vocalization ie Listen and Write then VOCALIZE ie Speak the Sentences

#05. Read the Sentences Aloud and Check


Speaking slowly and with clear enunciation, say the words you can see.

#06. What are the Questions?


Questions, questions and more questions. YOu can NEVER ask enough QUESTIONS!!!

The Memory Images in the videos below are to assist in RE-MEMBERING the dialogues. Create your own using your Creative Imagination. Join our YouTube Channel.