Japanese History Quiz

Japanese History Quiz Accordion

Question: In which century was Buddhism introduced in Japan?

Question: In what decade was The Pillow Book written?

Question: When did Murasaki Shikibu write The Tale of Genji?

Question: What is the name of the period which saw the emergence of the samurai and the warrior caste, and how long did it last?

Question: When did the first Mongol invasion of Japan take place?

Question: How long did the Sengoku period last?

Question: In which year and on what island did the Portuguese land in Japan?

Question: When did US Navy Commodore Matthew Perry and his black ships arrive in Japan?

Question: On what date was the decisive Battle of Sekigahara?

Question: How long did the Russo-Japanese War last?

Question: In what year were all adult males given voting rights in Japan?

Question: When did a schizophrenic monk burn down the Golden Temple in Kyoto?

Japanese History Quiz

Japanese History Quiz

Number Question Answer Mnemonics/ Comments
1 In which century was Buddhism introduced in Japan? Buddhism was introduced in Japan in the 8th century CE, during the Nara period.
2 In what decade was The Pillow Book written? The Pillow Book was written in the ninth.
3 When did Murasaki Shikibu write The Tale of Genji? Murasaki Shikibu was said to have written it in the early years of the 11th century.
4 What is the name of the period which saw the emergence of the samurai and the warrior caste, and how long did it last? The Kamakura period, and it lasted from 1185 to 1333.
5 When did the first Mongol invasion of Japan take place? The first Mongol invasion of Japan, led by Kublai Khan, took place in 1274.
6 How long did the Sengoku period last? The Sengoku period began around 1467 and lasted until 1600.
7 In which year and on what island did the Portuguese land in Japan? The Portuguese landed in Kyushu in 1543.
8 When did US Navy Commodore Matthew Perry and his black ships arrive in Japan? Matthew Perry and his black ships arrived in Uraga on July 8th, 1853.
9 On what date was the decisive Battle of Sekigahara? The Battle of Sekigahara was on October 21st, 1600.
10 How long did the Russo-Japanese War last? The Russo-Japanese War lasted eighteen months, from February 1904 till September 1905.
11 In what year were all adult males given voting rights in Japan? Universal male suffrage was introduced in Japan in 1925.
12 When did a schizophrenic monk burn down the Golden Temple in Kyoto? The Temple of the Golden Pavilion was burnt down on July 2nd, 1950.
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